New items in the shop!
Here are some photos that are shown in the shop, as well as some outtakes/behind the scenes/me playing with the dolls in my plants!
Firstly, an itty bitty fuzzy pink bunny! I think he may be my favourite, but I am tempted to make another one without limbs... Like a weird pink bunny-bean!
He is only 4.5 inches/11cm <3

A close up on the embroidered face....

A slightly larger, but still small bunny. Originally, I was going to make ice cream bunnies with ice cream melting down their heads, but it didn't look right. So they are just two-colour bunnies!
He is only around 7 inches, or 18cm.

You can wiggle his arms...
And he has a tiny pink tail!

A larger icecream-inspired bunny! I couldn't decide if I like his collar or not, so I didn't attach it...

In the tomato-seedling jungle!!

Sadly, my tomato seedlings are only as tall as him... about 9 inches, or 23cm.

Not for sale until I get alligator clips, but here is a preview of a sprinkled-bow! I will be makind different varieties of sprinkled bows soon... Including pastel seed bead sprinkles and pearl sprinkles!

And here is a mint scrubby... I am not sure if anyone would buy this. Would you?
It isn't bleachable because of the coloured yarn... But I have been using one on my face for exfoliation. It works pretty well, but is also rough enough to use as dishes.... K said people wouldn't use dish scrubbies on their faces or vice versa, but I think this really works for both! Not that you would use the -same one- on both... Ew...

.. a cute little crooked-mouthed jellyfish. I made one of these at Con-G, and it sold almost right away. So cute and tiny! Only 1.5 inches/4.5cm across!!
A cookie brooch with a bow and pearls..

And a smaller cookie brooch with pearls. I have not put this one up for sale yet because I want to add a hairclip, too.... should I?
THAT'S ALL FOLKS. Until I build up lots of new things again...
I like the facecloth idea. And the new animules are very cute!
ReplyDeleteThaaanks mumsy.