Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Late Gryphcon Wrap-Up

Hi folks!

We've been a bit busy recently with trying to find a house for the new year, and distracted by life in general, so this update comes a bit late.

Last weekend was Gryphcon, a local traditional gaming convention. There were board games and tabletop games (Pathfinder, D&D, etc.), as well as a place for the two of us to sell things along side other folks. There was only one other person selling handmade things; another represented a gaming shop, and someone else was there trying to promote their card game or something. All of them were nice. Gryphcon isn't really a place where people go with the intent to buy things (unless it's another game or book or something), but it was a good time. There were a lot of people happy that we were there. I spend the week or two leading up to it making a few things to sell there. Photo time!

This is a rainbow of Mario Bros. mushrooms that I made. The first is the normal one, followed by the Giant Mushroom, 1Up Mushroom, Mini Mushroom, and Poison Mushroom. My favourite is the angry eyebrows on the poison one.

These Creeper head charms were made at the same time that my larger Creeper was made. I have cell phone straps and keyrings that I attached so that people could put them on their phone/keys/etc. They turned out a but chubbier than I would have liked, but I still like them.

This brain slug and its smaller sibling (now sold) were made while we were sitting at the convention. They are loosely modelled after the ones from Futurama, which I love. I had purchased green yarn to make the 1Up mushrooms, and couldn't think of anything else to make with them. This was my idea, but Nekoyumi's pattern.

This frog was made with that same green yarn on the final day of the convention. I liked the charms that Nekoyumi had made, and wanted to make something small and cute too. I like its eyes a lot.

So that's the post-con wrap-up. Nekoyumi should be posting some pictures from it soon, since I didn't bring my camera. D: